labrador retrievers造句

"labrador retrievers"是什么意思   


  1. Labrador retrievers are the most popular breed in north america
  2. Originally used to help fishermen bring in their nets , labrador retrievers love exercise and water
  3. More labrador retrievers were licensed than any other breed , followed by pit bulls , shih tzus and german shepherds
  4. More labrador retrievers were licensed than any other breed , followed by pit bulls , shih tzus and german shepherds
  5. The labrador retriever was developed in england in the mid 1800s by a handful of private kennels dedicated to developing and refining the perfect gundog
  6. It's difficult to find labrador retrievers in a sentence. 用labrador retrievers造句挺难的
  7. Other popular breeds that come in different types include labrador retrievers , cocker spaniels , jack russell terriers , pomeranians , and many more
  8. Quill - a labrador retriever - s life as a dog drastically changed when he was chosen and forced to leave his mother for a seeing - eye dog training . .
    相对其他的兄弟姊? ,小q确是与别不同,他身上有个特别的胎记-像小鸟展翅的记号,因此他的养父母给他改名为. .
  9. Additionally , some breeds of dogs such as the labrador retriever and golden retriever may be at additional risk to a fatal kidney disease ( lyme nephritis ) associated with lyme infection
    并且,一些品种的狗象拉不拉多和金毛巡回猎犬更容易感染和莱姆关节炎并发的致命的肾炎(莱姆肾炎) 。
  10. The motion picture association of america on thursday unveiled its latest tool in the war on movie piracy : a pair of dvd - sniffing labrador retrievers named lucky and flo
    上周四,美国电影联合会公布了反盗版战争中的最新“武器” :两只能够嗅出dvd光盘、分别名为“拉基”和“弗洛”的拉布拉多猎犬。
  11. On tuesday the two black labrador retrievers spearheaded a raid in the southern city of johor baruthat resulted in the seizure of around three million dollars worth of illegally copied movies
  12. Los angeles reuters - this time , hollywood really has gone to the dogs . the motion picture association of america on thursday unveiled its latest tool in the war on movie piracy : a pair of dvd - sniffing labrador retrievers named lucky and flo
    上周四,美国电影联合会公布了反盗版战争中的最新“武器” :两只能够嗅出dvd光盘分别名为“拉基”和“弗洛”的拉布拉多猎犬。
  13. But " school - aged children can be trained successfully in precautionary behavior when approaching a dog , " concluded the study from the department of pediatric surgery at the medical university of graz . the researchers said they found that the relative risk of being bitten by a german shepherd or a doberman was about five times higher than for a labrador retriever or a mixed breed
  14. Cantonese voice talents : gigi leung , tony leung , yun siu yee and lam hiu fong quill - a labrador retriever - s life as a dog drastically changed when he was chosen and forced to leave his mother for a seeing - eye dog training center . little did he know that he would later meet a strange man who would become his owner partner
    相对其他的兄弟姊? ,小q确是与别不同,他身上有个特别的胎记-像小鸟展翅的记号,因此他的养父母给他改名为小q即鸟的羽翼的意思.小q不久就被挑选成导盲犬,正式展开犬只训练中心的艰辛生活。


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